Unlock Your Full Potential with Vision Coaching Network: Your Pathway to Personal and Professional Transformation.
An exclusive, monthly, private network for business and faith leaders who expect
great things from God and are willing to
attempt great things for God.
Membership will help you achieve personal growth, find balance in your personal and
professional life and accomplish great things for God's kingdom.
Basic Membership: a Virtual Live monthly Leadership briefing with Dr. Eddie Rivero and other high impact guest speakers, plus weekly leadership tips sent directly to your email inbox.
($99.00 per month value)
Executive & Premium Coaching Benefit: Monthly 60-minute One-on-One Coaching Session with Dr. Eddie Rivero over Zoom. We will work together on moving your projects forward through personal coaching and mentorship. ($2,400 value/yr)
Premium Coaching Benefit: All the Basic and Executive benefits PLUS a monthly "Book Club" featuring 2-3 page nutshell PDF summaries of top leadership books, and a Bi-Weekly Mastermind Session. (additional $199.00 per month value)
Premium Member Benefit only: Invitation to travel with Dr. Rivero on international missions trips to speak and train business and faith leaders and visit ministry projects.
Total value of resources and training you receive in this network far exceeds your membership cost!
Dr. Eddie Rivero is recognized and acknowledged for demonstrating excellence and eloquence as a Global Leadership Trainer, Speaker and Coach. Over the years, Dr. Rivero has been not only been intentional about self-development, but also in assisting others with personal and professional development. His training and development platforms have positively impacted thousands in the faith and business community.
Of late, Dr. Rivero has shifted his attention to training and empowering the next generation of leaders in the USA and abroad. His goal is to encourage others to reach their highest potential while positively influencing their sphere of influence. This training style is based on a personal conviction that Dr. Rivero holds near to his heart; when we discover our spiritual giftedness, temperament, passion, and calling, we achieve a level of self-awareness that helps us achieve alignment with our divine purpose.
As President of The Rivero Leadership Group, Dr. Rivero holds various certifications: Executive Director with the John Maxwell Team, Transformation Specialist with Global Priority Solutions, DISC Behavioral Trainer with Personality Insights, and Marriage Trainer and Facilitator with SYMBIS.
He recently retired from the Miami-Dade Police Department after 20 years of distinguished service (2001-2021) as a Law Enforcement Chaplain. He continues actively in chaplaincy ministry by providing chaplaincy training and establishing chaplaincy programs in government and ecclesiastical organizations.
V - VALUE - We value people, and we believe in adding value to others. We demonstrate a high regard for each person we meet and we look for the potential in each individual.
I - INTEGRITY - We conduct ourselves with integrity in every relationship and business interaction.
S - SOCIAL IMPACT - We are called to be “Salt and Light” and influence our culture. We seek to serve others before we serve ourselves.
I - INTENTIONALLY - We believe that each member of our network should set a daily course of action that is consistent with their belief, values, gifting, and purpose in life.
O - OPTIMISTIC - We believe that each member of our network should set a daily course of action that is consistent with their belief, values, gifting, and purpose in life.
N - NETWORKING - We believe that we are called to expand our network and our sphere of influence. The more people we add to your network the stronger our influence and impact.